she is pretty in this pic


my best mate emz!!!!

she thinks i am a cool chick!!!


This is my friend Katya eating a cupcake!!!

she is such a nerd!!!


emzypoo and braidicea, they awesum chicks




George, Denzil and Shae being stupid inside the classroom. In the background is julia, liam and by the door is Zubair.


emily welcoming
 you to my website
she doesnt even drink wine


Emz's gawjus hair before the leavers ball!!!!!


Denzil pulling a stupid face. He always moves just as the photois being taken!#! lolz


so drunk she could hardly see manon said she could hardly see cause she was at the party


Manon, Lachy and me posing for the camera in the cloakbay. we had so much fun that day. We were all in fits of giggles and we couldnt stop. The photo was taken about 3 seconds before we lost our cool!#! lol

emily at halloween dressed as a bunny